Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sleep and other complaints . . .

Yes I know it is getting me ready for baby being up at all hours, but I sure hope I can go back to sleep after a feeding. Waking at 2:30 and not going back to sleep just sucks right now.

I don't want to tell anyone of any ache or pain because the response is generally, "Just wait." Yes, it is all going to get worse and worse and I am going to hate pregnancy with a passion. Well, I don't think I am going to feel that way--maybe I am being stubborn. I don't know.

I have had groin pain since 14 weeks from loosening and tightening ligaments. Just wait it will get worse. I have gained one pond so far. Just wait, soon you will gain so much weight. I am trying to eat a sensible diet to keep my weight in check to avoid gestational diabetes. Just wait, soon you won't care what you eat you'll be so hungry, you'll eat a door knob.

Frankly, this has been a mild pregnancy. No cravings or aversions to food. There are things I'd like to eat, but I don't HAVE to have them. I am not sending Justin out in the middle of the night to get me anything.

Maybe the lack of sleep is making me cranky.


Rachel said...

I'm not going to sit here any be preachy, because that's what everyone did to me! I will say this, the sleep thing while pregnant won't stop and will either maintain or get worse. BUT, after a few days of being at home, the kiddo's now on a bit of a schedule and I can get 2-3 hours of sleep at a stretch between feedings. I hated complaining because everyone would always make comments like the ones your hearing. You'll learn who to talk to (and they will just listen) and who to say, "Everything's great!" to! :)

Shel said...

I like your friend's advice above me! You truly learn who to say what to, I rarely even share with my MIL. I was just like you too, couldn't ever get back to sleep while pregnant, but once the baby came I was always like, " cannot be time to be up again?" Everyone is sooo totally different! I gained 60 with my 1st one and only 15 and 16 lbs with the next 2 which came off (the 15 and 16, not the 60!) but I still have all that other weight to lose. Sounds like you are doing well with eating...I never sent Chad out for cravings but when I nurse I crave sweets like nothing else, so we have homemade baked goods here 24/7...hence the weight issues for me now! I try to retionalize saying my boys always love to bake with me, but let's be's all about me! =) Can't wait to hear the 1st time you step into a Baies R Us or other store that someone grabs you for an hour deciding you need to hear all of her views on things...I about lost it when a gal did that to me once...I just tried to be polite and say thanks! So excited for your adventure! I love reading all of your posts!