Friday, January 15, 2010

Half Way There

Today marks 20 weeks into the pregnancy, so 20 more to go. Reaching this point has created motivation for Justin to help me really get the room cleared out for baby furniture. Originally we were going to put baby in the "computer room" not that we have had a computer in there for the last 3 years. It has mostly been a catch all room. Now we have decided to move the guest room to the computer room and make guest room baby room. So on Sunday, we are working on making that shift. On Saturday, I think I am going to start clearing out the closet of the guest room. And I have decided on some colors for Daphne's room: Purple (lavender) and Green (sage). I had thought I wanted to go neutral but I changed my mind. It won't be overly girly but just girly enough.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sounds great...we are working on the twins room this week as well! But, you are getting an earlier start that we are! I am going to head out to get some coffee and donuts and then get started! You'll have to post pictures so we can check each others progress.