Friday, February 12, 2010

Entering Month 6

Today begins week 24 and the beginning of my 6th month of pregnancy. I still cannot get over how well things are going. I had a midwife appointment yesterday and my only complaint is pretty consistent heartburn. She said to take something rather than just live with it, which it what I have been doing. She measured my belly and listened to Daphne's heartbeat and she said everything is perfect. Daphne was very cooperative and sat still. My next appointment is in exactly 4 weeks where I will have a one hour glucose screen to rule out (hopefully) gestational diabetes). I will also get a Rhogam shot since my blood type is A-. I have had one before so no big deal there.

Daphne is active and I can feel her on the outside when she is punching in the right place but Justin has not felt her yet. She stops once he touches my stomach, or only kicks lightly. Hopefully soon, he will feel his baby girl.

1 comment:

Holly & John said...

you need to update more often!