Saturday, March 27, 2010

37 years old and 30 weeks pregnant

Yes, today is my birthday and the beginning of Spring Break. I love it when my birthday falls during Spring Break. And my plan is to just relax. Yoga in a couple hours and then a pedicure. Dinner is in the crock pot. This week, nesting is on the agenda.

Pregnancy is still going well. Daphne kicks harder and harder every day. And the Braxton Hicks contractions are coming a bit more often and are more noticeable. I have a Midwife appointment on Monday. I wish I had more to report, but like I said, things have been pretty uneventful. But, that is a good thing.


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!!! Hope you had a great day.

Holly & John said...

Happy late bday~!

Shel said...

Happy SOOO belated bday! I was planning to send you a card EARLY...well, as you can see...THAT sure didnt happen!! Hope it was a great one! I bet it was the best sooo far with little Miss Daphne soon arriving...but next year with her here will be the best one yet! =)