Friday, March 12, 2010

And so begins the third trimester!

Back in August, I never thought I could make it to this point. But here I am with my precious little Daphne settled and growing happily in her baby palace.

I had a midwife appointment today which included the 1 hour glucose screen for gestational diabetes (finger crossed that I pass), the RhoGAM shot (for my RH- blood type), and a little discussion of how things are going. Things really are going well! I have normal aches, pains, and pressure, but nothing that I cannot handle or a little stretching does not work out. The midwife told me that, being a first timer, I should call if I question anything. Up to this point I have not called at all. She said better safe than sorry.

The Bradley classes are going well but goodness are we tired at the end of Wednesday. They end at 8:45 and then there is a 45 minute drive to get home. But I really wanted this husband and wife instructor team--they came highly recommended. 8 more classes, so we can make it.

28 weeks down . . . 12 weeks to go . . .


Holly & John Our family journey said...

Whohoo Girlie you are just moving right along! Awesome!

Christina said...

I'm so happy that everything is going so well with your pregnancy! I can't believe that we are in the third trimester already. Almost to the finish line!