Saturday, March 6, 2010

I love Acupuncture

More than the acupuncture, I love Julie, my acupuncturist. She is such a positive and supportive force in my life. So reassuring that my choice for natural childbirth is the way to go. After all the needles were in today, she spent 1o minutes rubbing my belly--very relaxing. She did pretty baby points too. She also identifies a Brazton Hick contraction as it was happening, so now I know what they feel like. I have been having them for a couple weeks now, but I did not realize it was my uterus contracting--I though it was Daphne pushing on my side. They seem to happen in the same general spot every time.


Holly & John Our family journey said...

aww hun I am glad you found her =0)

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

I didn't even know you had a blog. Now I can stay updated on your life. I didnt recognize the BH contractions my first time either. That will be helpful to be able to watch those. Good for you for wanting to go natural. I was all about the drugs, but didn't get a chance this time. It has been a much quicker recovery and it really was amazing to feel the baby come out. I hope it is not too painful for you.